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img Build your ebook(s) with ease with this professional all-in-one tool: editor protector packer and compiler. Pack a compact self installing EXE with one click, or create AEH, EPUB, MOBI for handheld PCs, smartphones, Kindle, Sony, etc. Several protections available: print and clipboard copy disabling; password(s) for different groups of pages / users; expiry date... Full text/keyword search. Audio, video, frames, hot spots, popups...
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img Programa profesional pero fácil para la creación de ebook e-libros. Codificación de 128 bits; contraseña, protección de copia / impresión; incorpora video, música, diapositivas. Tiene su propio navegador, no requiere Internet Explorer. Puedes construir ebook compactos auto-extrayentes con un solo click. Un e-libro, un archivo fuente. Todo es visual, no hay recopilación, no hay complicaciones... Potente capacidad de búsqueda.
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img Create an Italian ebook with ease with this FREE comprehensive all-in-one tool. Not just a compiler! Can output a standalone EXE with one click, or a compact AEH file suitable for the free reader. Various degrees of protection: clipboard copy disabling; one or more pass for different groups of pages, or different passwords for different users; expiration date. Full text/keyword search. Frames, hot spots, mouseover images, visual links, popups...
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