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Network & Internet :: Search/Lookup Tools


Network & Internet :: Search/Lookup Tools
img DomainHostingView is a utility for Windows that collects extensive information about a domain by using a series of DNS and WHOIS queries, and generates HTML report that can be displayed in any Web browser. The information displayed by the report of DomainHostingView includes: the hosting company or data center that hosts the Web server, mail server, and domain name server (DNS) of the specified domain, the created/changed/expire date, and more..
Windows | Freeware
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Network & Internet :: Search/Lookup Tools
img Every day more than 20.000 domain names are expiring. Expired Domains is Free and powerfull application that can save you time and money when searching for domain names. Make list of keywords domain name should contain, create sets for groups of keywords, apply various rules to keywords, analyze listing that match your rules, view full expiring domains list, save desired domains into drafts, sort list by expiration date, letters or extension.
Windows | Freeware
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Network & Internet :: Search/Lookup Tools
img FastResolver is a small utility that resolves multiple host names into IP addresses and vice versa. You can simply type the list of IP addresses or host name that you want to resolve, or alternatively, you can specify IP addresses range that you want to scan. For local network, FastResolver also allows you to get the MAC address of all IP addresses that you scan.
Windows | Freeware
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Network & Internet :: Search/Lookup Tools
img FindForum sends a request to search engine, collects and filters search results to find forum-based community and then check the popularity of this forum, i.e. the number of posts made by visitors.
Windows | Freeware
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Network & Internet :: Search/Lookup Tools
img FindinSite-MS is a search engine for a MS hosted web site - easily configurable to look like part of your web site, index when you want and highlight result pages. FindinSite-MS is an ASP.NET 2 application that runs in IIS on a Windows server, including shared hosts. A Search API XML web service is available. The FindinSite-MS Control Panel makes it easy to set up regular indexing runs and output template files.
Windows | Shareware
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FINGER 2.4.5

Network & Internet :: Search/Lookup Tools
img Finger is the tool for discovering user information by using well known finger service.Using Finger tool makes possible to get Abuse Address of remote host.For example to get the abuse address of prontomail.com you should type prontomail.com@abuse.net in the finger input section.
Windows | Freeware
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Network & Internet :: Search/Lookup Tools
img FreeNetEnumerator is a tool to enumerate computers in a domain. Depending on enumeration parameters the tool can work in different ways. It can enumerate all computers ( if All Computers is selected ), all SQL servers only (if Microsoft SQL Servers is selected ), all primary domain controllers only ( if Primary domain controllers is selected ) , backup domain controllers only, primary domains only,etc.
Windows | Freeware
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Network & Internet :: Search/Lookup Tools
img Powerful and user friendly web scraping tool that can scrape from the simplest to the most complex and dynamic sites. No programming is required as a comprehensive list of predefined actions is provided, although the list can be extended by combining existing actions or with JavaScript.
Windows | Shareware
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Network & Internet :: Search/Lookup Tools
img HotWhoIs is a convenient and easy-to-use application for obtaining all available information on a given IP address or domain name. You can retrieve information about the organization or the ISP that owns the IP address, including the country, state, city, address, contact phone numbers and e-mails. It can determine name and version of the remote web server. It can also ping remote hosts to check their availability.
Windows | Shareware
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Network & Internet :: Search/Lookup Tools
img ImageGrabDummy! is an image search collector and gallery which can download hundreds of pictures of any kind from the web, displaying them in an instant preview. ImageGrabDummy! uses two methods to grab pictures by keyword or starting URL. It lets the user select which search engine to use to find resulting web pages for your keyword specified, and download all images from those pages, and continue spidering.
Windows | Shareware
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