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Network & Internet :: Other


Network & Internet :: Other
img IPPathTableView is a tool for Windows 11/10/8/7/Vista that displays the IP path table of your local computer. For every IP path entry, the following information is displayed: Source, Destination, Next Hop, MTU, Reachaable (Yes/No), Adapter Name, Connection Name, Link Transmit Speed, Link Receive Speed. The IP path table contains the list of all IP Addresses that your computer connected recently.
Windows | Freeware
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Network & Internet :: Other
img A freeware program designed to find the MAC Address of any IPv4 device on your local network (subnet) even if that device is protected by a personal firewall. This program uses ARP discovery and can even find active devices that do not respond to PING. Full install/uninstall.
Windows | Freeware
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Network & Internet :: Other
img LoLSkinView is a windows application that allows you to view only the skins you own. It will generate reports (pdf, excel, and html) on your personal collections along with giving you an actual price value for just how much you've spent on the game!
Windows | Freeware
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Network & Internet :: Other
img ManageWirelessNetworks is an alternative tool to the standard 'Manage Wireless Networks' of Windows. It displays extensive information about every wireless profile on your system, even if the network adapter is not active. ManageWirelessNetworks also allows you to edit a single profile with the standard editor of Windows, edit the XML of the wireless profile (For advanced users only !), quickly switch between manual and automatic mode, and more.
Windows | Freeware
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Network & Internet :: Other
img Simplifying Apple TV and AirPlay in the enterprise - Users want their iPhones and iPads to work and communicate with other resources on the network. That means dealing with Apple's "Bonjour" protocol. Bonjour network traffic is constrained within single VLANs. How do you make that AppleTV or printer on one VLAN work with iPads on another? Blaser Software's mDNS Repeater is a scalable workaround to make this a reality.
Windows | Demo
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Network & Internet :: Other
img MyLastSearch utility scans the cache and history files of your Web browser, and locate all search queries that you made with the most popular search engines (Google, Yahoo and MSN). The search queries that you made are displayed in a table with the following columns: Search Text, Search Engine, Search Time, Web Browser, and the search URL.
Windows | Freeware
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Network & Internet :: Other
img Net Send Lite is a small utility that uses the existing Microsoft Messaging Service to send network messages. With Net Send Lite you can send messages to a specific username, computer name, ip address or the entire domain/workgroup on your network. Simply click on Add button to add users to your system or the add multiple to select from a list of available computers on your network. Once you have a user in your list, simply double-click the user.
Windows | Shareware
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Network & Internet :: Other
img NetConnectChoose is a simple tool that allows you to easily choose the default Internet connection that will be used by all Internet applications, when you have more than a single Internet connection on the same time. It also displays extensive information about every active network/Internet connection, including network adapter name, MAC Address, Name Servers, MTU, Interface Speed, current incoming/outgoing data speed, and more...
Windows | Freeware
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Network & Internet :: Other
img NetResView is a small utility that displays the list of all network resources (computers, disk shares, and printer shares) on your LAN. As opposed to "My Network Places" module of Windows, NetResView display all network resources from all domains/workgroups in one screen, and including admin/hidden shares. Also, for each computer, NetResView displays the IP address, the operating system name/version, and the MAC address of the network card.
Windows | Freeware
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Network & Internet :: Other
img NetRouteView is a GUI alternative to the standard route utility (Route.exe) of Windows operating system. It displays the list of all routes on your current network, including the destination, mask, gateway, interface IP address, metric value, type, protocol, age (in seconds), interface name, and the MAC address. NetRouteView also allows you to easily add new routes, as well as to remove or modify existing static routes.
Windows | Freeware
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