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Authors Area
Are you a software author? Take a look at our Author Resource Center where you will find marketing tools, software specifically created for promoting your software and a ton of other helpful resources.
Subcategories: Computer | Dictionaries | Geography | Kids | Languages | Mathematics | Other | Reference Tools | Science | Teaching & Training Tools | Education :: Science
Spekwin32: spectroscopy software for optical spectra. Convert, visualize and processs multiple UV-VIS, NIR, IR, Raman and fluorescence spectra from many different file formats, e. g. JCAMP-DX, THERMO GRAMS spc, Varian Cary 50, Perkin Elmer, JASCO, Shimadzu, Ocean Optics, StellarNet SpectraWiz, Avantes Avasoft, Roper... Totally free for non-commercial use. Visit for more information & download!
Windows | Freeware
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Education :: Teaching & Training Tools
Basic features: It makes mouse clicks visible. It improves the perceptibility of the mouse pointer. Additionally it makes key strokes visible. Purpose: Useful for everyone who presents or teaches software to other people. For example: Teachers or Software marketing and sales personnel. You don't have to tell your audience things like "Click there with the right mouse button." all the time any more. They can see what you are doing with the mouse.
Windows | Shareware
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Education :: Science
NovoSPT is designed for analyzing Standard Penetration Test (SPT/DCPT) blow counts and correlating N values to soil engineering properties. The following features are incorporated: Correction factors including depth, rod length, etc., Consistency classification for all soil types, Bearing capacity and settlement, Estimation of soil properties such as friction angle, modulus of elasticity, shear wave velocity, Gmax, Dr using 300 correlations.
Windows | Shareware
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Education :: Mathematics
Calculate those tedious Statistics and Discrete Mathematics formulas quickly, easily, all while learning! Combinatorics (permutations and combinations, etc), probabilities, expected values, confidence intervals, data analysis, hypothesis testing and more. Free formula guide! Try the free demo today to see how Statistics Pro will work for you and save you time and effort. From the makers of the popular Physics 101 SE physics calculator.
Windows MAC | Demo
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Education :: Reference Tools
Your school, college or university can too drastically cut costs and become more environmentally friendly by offering students electronic textbooks, manuals and syllabi in HTML, CHM, PDF, EXE, XML or custom formats. These e-textbooks can be made available for download or handed out on floppies, CDs or DVDs. Plus, you'll be able to use multimedia files - sounds, music and video. Find out how with this free trial version of SunRav BookOffice.
Windows | Shareware
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Education :: Dictionaries
Swahili - English Dictionary (Kamusi ya Kiswahili - Kiingereza) for PCs. Over 16,000 entries and phrases, over 36,000 translation equivalents, and over 20,000 words and phrases in the English index. Includes MS Word Integration functionality, fast startup and search, a user interface IN both English and Swahili, "smart search" for Swahili compounds, smart cross-reference display, and bilingual "linked view".
Windows | Shareware
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Education :: Languages
English orthographical, grammatical, spell-checker. Spell-checks the text both in interactive mode (type in directly one sentence and spell-check it) and in batch mode. Suggests corrections for the misspelt words.
Windows | Shareware
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Education :: Languages
French orthographical, grammatical, spell-checker. Spell-checks the text both in interactive mode (type in directly one sentence and spell-check it) and in batch mode. Suggests corrections for the misspelt words.
Windows | Shareware
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Education :: Languages
German orthographical, grammatical, spell-checker
Windows | Shareware
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Education :: Languages
Italian orthographical, grammatical, spell-checker. Spell-checks the text both in interactive mode (type in directly one sentence and spell-check it) and in batch mode. Suggests corrections for the misspelt words.
Windows | Shareware
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