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Authors Area
Are you a software author? Take a look at our Author Resource Center where you will find marketing tools, software specifically created for promoting your software and a ton of other helpful resources.
Subcategories: Computer | Dictionaries | Geography | Kids | Languages | Mathematics | Other | Reference Tools | Science | Teaching & Training Tools | Education :: Languages
Plagiarism Detector - is a Plagiarism Detection software to quickly discover, trace and in this way prevent unauthorized copy-pasting of any textual material taken from the world wide web. It uses the Google database to send hundreds of requests per second to verify the text originality.
Windows | Shareware
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Education :: Languages
This program will help you translate texts from virtually any language. Just select an unknown word in your text, press Ctrl+Ins+Ins and you will see the translation, press Ins and this word is marked for studying. Set the test-yourself time and the program will from time to time keep asking you to translate new words you want to learn. Are you tired? There is a way out for you: play a new words slideshow and cramming will become an exiting game.
Windows | Shareware
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Education :: Teaching & Training Tools
Create a Flash-Based Quiz from PowerPoint in two steps. PowerQuizPoint easily create interactive Macromedia Flash Quizzes from within PowerPoint. PowerQuizPoint is a convergence of power features in PowerPoint and Macromedia Flash. Flash Quizzes created with PowerQuizPoint is web ready and can be uploaded to our online PowerPoint and e-Learning sharing portal
Windows | Shareware
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Education :: Computer
PrinterAdmin Print Management software provides easy software solution for Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008 print server and non print server printing environment i.e. direct IP printer or workstation connected printer. The software has enabled central control of print manager that helps to administer printer monitor and counter. 1. Print Authentication / Client Billing. 2. Print Auditing / Print Quotas / Printer Monitor
Windows | Shareware
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Education :: Science
The PWM Generator can generate Pulse Width Modulation signals in real time.You can save 4 memory presets and the software supports multiple sound cards.
Windows | Shareware
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Education :: Mathematics
Visualization of the polyhedra whose vertices have repelled each other on the surface of a sphere, until their positions have stabilized. The simplest such polyhedron has 4 vertices, and naturally becomes a tetrahedron. The remaining polyhedra, with an integral number of vertices, are NOT regular polyhedra. I call them "quantum hulls" because they are all convex hulls with triangular faces, and the number of vertices is quantized.
Windows MAC | Freeware
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Education :: Teaching & Training Tools
Question Writer - Personal Edition 2.0 is an easy to use tool for creating online multiple choice Flash quizzes in minutes. Reports for on-line quizzes can be automatically sent to your e-mail address. Quiz takers can print out test summary reports. Unicode and special characters supported. Accessible quizzes - screenreader and keyboard only support. Free for personal use.
Windows | Freeware
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Education :: Teaching & Training Tools
Memorize any text 2-4 times faster with quickMemorizer. Memorize faster by Practicing Recalling instead of Repeating
Windows | Freeware
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Education :: Teaching & Training Tools
Creates Javascript quizzes quickly and professionally. The program supports multiple choice and fill-in-the-blank style quizzes. If you have ever wanted to create your own online quizzes, Quiz Script Creator makes your job easier. The single HTML quiz file that is generated can be uploaded to a web site, or attached to an email, or taken from your own PC using any web browser that supports Javascript.
Windows | Shareware
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Education :: Mathematics
Randomly generate millions of integers or floating point numbers in the desired radix (base), format, and numeric range. Generated random numbers may match any one of the 17 built-in statistical probability distributions: continuous - Normal / Gaussian, Beta, Chi Square, Student-T, Cauchy, Chi, Continuous Uniform, Exponential, Gamma, Laplace, Log-Normal, Pareto; and discrete - Bernoulli, Binomial, Discrete Uniform, Geometric, Poisson.
Windows | Shareware
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