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Business :: Databases & Tools
img For Companies with own applications: Dictionaries, Thesauruses and Verb Conjugations, Wordlist for English, Norwegian nynorsk, bokmal, Turkish, Japanese, Finnish, French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, Swedish, Russian, Chinese, Czech, Polish. Databases in MS-Excel, MS-ACCESS or SQL format. Integrate it into your application, website, search engine. For Universities, translation agencies ...
Windows MAC Linux | Data Only
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Business :: Databases & Tools
img For Companies with own applications: Technical Dictionaries, Thesauruses and Verb Conjugations for English French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Brazilian, Italian, Swedish and Dutch. Databases in Excel, MS- ACCESS or SQL format. Integrate it into your application, website, search engine. For Universities, translation agencies (create a basis for your own Translation Memories -TM) , companies with own applications, scientific departments
Windows MAC Linux | Data Only
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Business :: Databases & Tools
img For Companies with own applications: Technical Dictionaries, Thesauruses and Verb Conjugations for English French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Brazilian, Italian, Swedish and Dutch. Databases in Excel, MS- ACCESS or SQL format. Integrate it into your application, website, search engine. For Universities, translation agencies (create a basis for your own Translation Memories -TM) , companies with own applications, scientific departments
Windows MAC Linux | Data Only
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Business :: Databases & Tools
img For Companies with own applications: Technical Dictionaries, Thesauruses and Verb Conjugations for English French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Brazilian, Italian, Swedish and Dutch. Databases in Excel, MS- ACCESS or SQL format. Integrate it into your application, website, search engine. For Universities, translation agencies (create a basis for your own Translation Memories -TM) , companies with own applications, scientific departments
Windows MAC Linux | Data Only
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Business :: Databases & Tools
img For Companies with own applications: Dictionaries, Thesauruses and Verb Conjugations, Wordlist for Norwegian nynorsk, bokmal, English, Turkish, Japanese, Finnish, French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, Swedish, Russian, Chinese, Czech, Polish. Databases in MS-Excel, MS-ACCESS or SQL format. Integrate it into your application, website, search engine. For Universities, translation agencies ...
Windows MAC Linux | Data Only
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Business :: Databases & Tools
img For Companies with own applications: Technical Dictionaries, Thesauruses and Verb Conjugations for English French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Brazilian, Italian, Swedish and Dutch. Databases in Excel, MS- ACCESS or SQL format. Integrate it into your application, website, search engine. For Universities, translation agencies (create a basis for your own Translation Memories -TM) , companies with own applications, scientific departments
Windows MAC Linux | Data Only
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Business :: Databases & Tools
img For Companies with own applications: Technical Dictionaries, Thesauruses and Verb Conjugations for English French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Brazilian, Italian, Swedish and Dutch. Databases in Excel, MS- ACCESS or SQL format. Integrate it into your application, website, search engine. For Universities, translation agencies (create a basis for your own Translation Memories -TM) , companies with own applications, scientific departments
Windows MAC Linux | Data Only
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Business :: Databases & Tools
img For Companies with own applications: Technical Dictionaries, Thesauruses and Verb Conjugations for English French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Brazilian, Italian, Swedish and Dutch. Databases in Excel, MS- ACCESS or SQL format. Integrate it into your application, website, search engine. For Universities, translation agencies (create a basis for your own Translation Memories -TM) , companies with own applications, scientific departments
Windows MAC Linux | Data Only
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Business :: Project Management
img Fully automated PC usage/Project tracking software that surveys the time spent on the PC. WorkTime gathers statistics about projects you work on, applications you run, documents you open, web-sites you visit and time spent for every of these activities. Informative and customizable reports help you to analyze or bill your time. WorkTime is a unique combination of simplicity and usefulness; and suits from a home user to a large company.
Windows MAC Linux | Shareware
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Total Titles: 130 Total Pages: 13
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