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System Utilities
Subcategories: Automation Tools | Backup & Restore | Benchmarking | Clipboard Tools | File & Disk Management | File Compression | Launchers & Task Managers | Other | Printer | Registry Tools | Shell Tools | System Maintenance | Text/Document Editors | System Utilities :: System Maintenance
Do you have programs listed in your Control Panel's Add/Remove Programs list that you just can't seem to remove? UninstallDummy! is an easy solution to highlight, uninstall, and remove phantom program entries in your Add/Remove Programs list.
Windows | Shareware
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System Utilities :: Shell Tools
UpTime is a small free utility that shows you how long Windows has been running. It displays the number of years, months, weeks, days and minutes since your last boot. For example, if your computer has been running for around 5 days Uptime would display 5 Days, 19 Hours, 42 Minutes, 16 Seconds. Extremely accurate to the second, UpTime is a utility you need to keep around.
Windows | Freeware
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System Utilities :: Backup & Restore
Urgent Backup offers a quick, step-by-step wizard to walk you through backup and restore tasks. It allows you to create backups at various different compression levels, automatically backups data on schedule to local disks, network drives, FTP servers, USB, CD /DVD and other compatible media. Urgent Backup has the ability to back up exclusively opened files, features multiple connections, incremental backup, and more.
Windows | Shareware
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System Utilities :: Other
URLProtocolView is a simple utility that displays all URL protocols (for example: ftp:, telnet:, mailto:) that are currently installed on your system. For each URL protocol, the following information is displayed: The protocol name, the protocol description, the command-line that is executed when you type or click the URL, the product name, and the company name.
This utility also allows you to easily enable/disable the URL protocols.
Windows | Freeware
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System Utilities :: System Maintenance
Share your USB devices without risk of losing it. Access remote USB devices without leaving your place. Simply and powerful USB over Ethernet software solution for sharing and accessing USB devices over Ethernet or Internet! It allows to work with the remote USB devices as if they are physically plugged into your own computer!
Windows | Shareware
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System Utilities :: System Maintenance
There is no need to use hardware USB switches to share USB devices anymore! Try simply and powerful software solution USB Redirector for such purposes! USB Redirector allows to share and access USB any devices over local network or Internet. Use remote USB devices as if they are directly plugged into your PC!Now it is compatible with Linux OS.
Windows | Shareware
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System Utilities :: File & Disk Management
Convert DXL to PST along with all email properties (to, cc, bcc, from, date, time and subject) using Vartika DXL to PST Converter. You can convert multiple DXL file into PST at once. Entire versions of IBM Lotus Notes are supported by this application without any trouble. With Demo version you can convert 30 emails into every format at free of cost
Windows | Shareware
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System Utilities :: File & Disk Management
vCard Duplicate Remover is the most efficient and reliable utility to remove identical contacts. It maintains data security and integrity while removing duplicates. This tool is capable of removing duplicate contacts from large VCF files. Users can combine multiple VCF files into a single VCF file. Remove and save contacts based on First name, Last Name, Email Address, and Phone Number. It is highly compatible with all versions of Windows OS.
Windows | Shareware
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System Utilities :: Text/Document Editors
This software offers a solution to users who want to remove specific lines and characters from multiple VCF files. There are features to remove entire lines (rows), columns, characters, lines not containing characters, blank lines, etc. This software can save you hours by quickly modifying batches of data.
Windows | Shareware
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System Utilities :: Text/Document Editors
VeryUtils Hex Editor is the fastest large files optimized binary file editor for Windows platform developed by Utility System Software. Hex Editor is extremely useful for viewing, modifying and analyzing hexadecimal data in extra large files and disks. For example, if you try to search and replace text/hex/decimal/binary data pattern in 1GB - 1TB file (or disc), you'll simply find no competitors for our product.
Windows | Shareware
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